Kirstine Aarkrog | Instruments: Haraldsgade 16B, 2200 København N

20 November - 31 December 2021

Instruments presents a survey of six sculptures by Copenhagen-based artist Kirstine Aarkrog (b. 1986, Denmark) produced over the past ten years.

The word “instrument” is traditionally used to refer to either a tool for precision work, or a device used to produce musical sound. In other words, it denotes an object whose material properties prompt a specifi
c type of human behaviour upon interaction. Interested in the potential consequences of our encounters with objects, with each sculpture Aarkrog adopts a different approach to the complex relationship between an object’s form, its apparent function and our emotional response to these two factors.

When asked about the way that function and emotion interact in these works, the artist replied with the following: ‘I do not work with emotions. But is is clear that all actions, even potential actions, are associated with emotions.’

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