Erica Eyres | Do I Have To Love You?: Rantzausgade 9, 2200 København N

20 April - 21 May 2023

OTP Copenhagen is proud to present Do I Have To Love You?, the debut solo exhibition with the gallery by Glasgow-based painter, sculptor and video artist Erica Eyres (b. 1980, Winnipeg; CA).


Featuring a selection of new paintings and ceramic sculptures, the exhibition presents a charged and radically ambiguous perspective on childhood and familial relationships. Here, Eyres’ closely-cropped images invite the viewer into scenes that feel like frozen stills from a complex psychodrama or imprinted memories from a pre-adolescent stage of life that have assumed particular significance in later years for private or subconscious reasons. Similarly, the artist’s series of ceramic sculptures reproducing variations in the book cover of Vladimir Nabokov’s infamous 1955 novel Lolita, embody a definite but non-specific symbolic weight as they evoke nebulous connotations of girlhood, precocious sexuality, predatory relationships and childhood trauma.

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