Erica Eyres at Turntable Gallery

14 September – 19 October 2024
Erica Eyres's solo exhibiton No One Knows I'm Dying will remain on-view at Turntable Gallery (Grimsby; UK) from 14 September – 19 October.

The exhibition features a series of works curated around three distinct themes: paintings of cosmetology and dermatology, emergency paintings, and recreations of portraits from vintage magazines.

In her own words, the artist describes her work as: ‘bodies of paintings and sculptures, focusing on series’ based on types of images or objects. When beginning the body of work, I try not to dictate any narrative, but to follow my attraction to an object or image and my desire to get closer and reproduce it. Although I work from the “original”, the work evolves to become a separate entity.’

Deranged and dreamlike in equal measure, ‘No One Knows I’m Dying’ seeks to return to the liminalities of the mundane, but with a forensic eye, intent on laying bare the background noise of actuality.
September 14, 2024